Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Obama Transition Leader Fights Against UFO Secrecy

Read this amazing article from CNN:

In Summary:
Podesta announced a group to be formed to investigate government records on UFOs. CFI is the Coalition for Freedom of Information. CFI is also backed by the Sci-Fi channel and they are trying to put a stop to ridicule of the UFO topic as well as open up the files to cases such as Kecksburg in PA.

My opinion:

The sincerety of Sci-Fi is somewhat irrelevant since we really need the respected news organizations to treat the UFO topic seriously without smirks and tongue in cheek humor.
This is a positive direction and certainly better than no effort at all. It isn't a matter of trying or trying hard, the information will get out when the Pentagon allows it.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Castro Finds Atlantis?

This article as reported by Kevin Sullivan in the October 10th, 2002 edition of the Washington Post the government of former President Fidel Castro had contracted a Canadian company to map the ocean floor in the western tip of Cuba. Paul Weinzweig and wife Paulina Zelitsky scoured the ocean floor using their vessel - Ulises. Weinzweig and Zelitsky work for Advanced Digital Communications and are essentially treasure hunting as well as prospecting using sonar on their 260 foot trawler formerly owned by Jacques Cousteau. Paulina Zelitsky had also designed submarine bases for the Soviet military and was born in Russia.

One day in the summer of 2000 they stumbled across some unusual rock formations appearing between 1,900 to 2,500 feet below. These rocks appeared in a symmetrical geometric formation unlike anything Paul and Paulina had ever seen. The sonar reveals what appears to be a city composed of roads, pyramids and buildings spread out over miles of the ocean floor. Naturally this brought about more discussion about the lost city of Atlantis.

Atlantis was discussed by the famous philosopher Plato in the dialogues of Timaeus and Critias. In those writings Plato had heard discussions between Socrates and Critias about the Egyptian priest Solon who was told of Atlantis by other Egyptian priests. The location was described as being beyond the Pillars of Hercules (Strait of Gibraltar) and was larger than Libya and Asia combined. This island was lost to earthquakes and floods and disappeared into the sea according to this recount. This geographical description doesn't quite place it anywhere near Cuba however I would not throw out the baby with the bathwater. If the Atlanteans were an advanced civilization it wouldn't be unreasonable to believe they had possibly explored the nearby Atlantic to places near Cuba and anywhere else on the globe for that matter.

The only opposing theory to Atlantis is put forth by Manuel Iturralde who said that if there is conclusive evidence that these structures are man-made then it would suggest that these could have in fact been Mayan structures and the oral tradition that some Mayans disappeared on an island in a deluge. Iturralde said also it is still possiblel it could be a natural formation.

In an interview with researcher, Linda Moulton Howe (best known for her research into cattle mutilations), Zelitsky and Weinzweig revealed a few fascinating details which were not disclosed in the Washington Post article. What they found using the Robotic Ocean Vehicle (ROV) was that the structures were composed of large stones that are approximately five feet on a side by fifteen feet long which resemble those at Easter Island and Stonehenge and contain inscriptions.
One inscription was identified as a Central American cross.

According to an article by NARKAS, Scientific and Archaeological Association published 3/10/2007, some of the stones were rectangular, others circular, and pyramidal. The stones were white and not dark volcanic rock as expected. The blocks were sampled for analysis and discovered to be granite which is not found in Cuba nor the Yucatan but rather Central Mexico! The stones also had organic fossils which are only found near the surface.

A co-worker brought this article to my attention back in 2002. He had emailed the National Geographic Society for further information regarding the findings in March 2002 and essentially was told "An expedition to explore the area off the Cuban coast began this past summer, with permits from the government of Cuba. At this time nothing definitive has been reported." They also told him he might find an article in the July 2001 issue of National Geographic of interest about sunken galleons. This was more or less a canned response and left much to be desired. My colleague at work wanted me to independently inquire about this with NGS as well. What I got was an index card with the NGS logo on it and a photocopy of the Washington Post article which basically tells me that there is no additional information that they wish to share.

Most of these articles are old but this topic warrants interest and further investigation which to my knowledge has been on media silence since the original article was published. A few other online articles have been published which don't reveal any real new developments beyond the original discovery and exploration in the summer of 2001. The National Geographic Society expressed interest in this discovery so one would think that there would be quite a bit of information since the first article was published yet it seems to have been dropped.

My opinion is that Atlantis was not limited to the area near the Pillars of Hercules but rather was an advanced civilization which could have been seafaring and had explored many continents, islands and influenced other cultures all over the world.

Anyone with further information or recent developments please post a reply.

References and related articles:

Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Lost City of Kalimu

Close to Los Angeles in the Santa Monica Mountains, between Malibu and Thousand Oaks lies

what I call the 'Land of the Lost'. Venturing through treacherous Decker Canyon Road to Sycamore Canyon Road you will discover hiking trails known as "Circle X", "Backbone" and "Mishe Mokwa". The latter is what fuels local mystery and controversy. While hiking the trail for the first time I wondered if time had ever passed as I gazed at these ancient volcanic rocks. Then just when I thought it was spooky enough one of the large oblong rocks appears to be precariously balancing on the edge of a cliff. As I hiked farther down I could clearly see there wasn't much holding that rock in place as it nearly teeters on the edge much like an egg standing on end in a small pillar of salt.
After taking in the "balancing rock" there is yet another bizarre icon hiding in the lost valley. Within the same stretch of the Mishe Mokwa path is another mysterious figure. Up on the summit of the hill facing the hiking trail is a large rock that looks much like an Easter Island head.

I found this quite interesting but it didn't hit home until I read a book by David Hatcher Childress called "Lost Cities of North and Central America". The author of this book is the real life Indiana Jones. He details his travels and adventures that explore ancient Mayan ruins and other lost civilizations that might have ruins in various places in North America.
This book discusses the lost continent of Mu and a friend of David's refers to the area as 'Kalimu' which is the aforementioned title of this blog posting. The book has photographs of both of these mysterious artifacts but also mentions some interesting facts about the lost civilization of Lemuria, Hindu explorers and California.
Childress writes that an archaeologist from the University of Bombay traces the name 'California' from the ancient Hindu Kali Temples which were constructed by Hindu travellers. Childress also describes another artifact which I've yet to find which is an ancient wall but is allegedly a 'natural formation' according to the owner of the private land where the wall is located. Perhaps we will find out who first resided in California and what happened to them.